Resources for researchers in the field
Computational methods have been transforming daily life and many areas of research. We believe they will also help advance a more ecologically valid understanding of social psychology. Below are workshops and code samples that the PI generated to help researchers from different backgrounds get started with these computational methods.
- Natural Language Processing: Workshop on NLP development, Colab code for implementing DeBERTa-V2
- Visual Information Processing: Workshop on CNN and applications, Colab code for implementing Py-Feat for facial features, Colab code for implementing PARE for body features
- Understanding Optimization: Workshop on Optimization for Naturlaistic Stimulus Processing, Colab code for implementing Simulated Annealing for Stimulus Optimization, Colab code for implementing Maximum Variation Sampling for Stimulus Optimization
- Handling Big Data I: Workshop on Ridge Regression, Representational Similarity Analysis, Permutation tests
- Handling Big Data II: Workshop on Training Artificial Neural Networks
Resources for prospective students
I. Reading
The following papers may not be directly related to the lab's research directions. However, they represent a wide variety of research methods in psychology research, which we find inspiring.
- Ratner, K. G. (2020). Social Cognition. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.013.234.
- Asch, S. E. (1946). Forming impressions of personality. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 41, pp. 1230-1240.
- Carlston, D. E. (1980). The recall and use of traits and events in social inference processes. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, Vol.16(4), p.303-328.
- Kihlstrom, J. F. (2013). The person-situation interaction. in Carlston, D. E. (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition, p.786-805.
- Freeman, J. B. & Ambady, N. (2011). A dynamic interactive theory of person construal. Psychological review, 118(2), p.247.
- Jack, R. E., & Schyns, P. G. (2017). Toward a Social Psychophysics of Face Communication. Annual Review of Psychology.
- Fiedler, K., & Schenck, W. (2001). Spontaneous Inferences from Pictorially Presented Behaviors. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
- Uleman, J. S., Adil Saribay, S., & Gonzalez, C. M. (2008). Spontaneous inferences, implicit impressions, and implicit theories. Annual Review of Psychology.
- Oeberst, A., & Imhoff, R (2023). Toward Parsimony in Bias Research: A Proposed Common Framework of Belief-Consistent Information Processing for a Set of Biases. Perspectives on Psychological Science.
- Zaki, J. Cue integration: A common framework for social cognition and physical perception. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 8, no. 3 (2013): 296-312.
- Brooks, J.A. & Freeman, J.B. (2018). Conceptual Knowledge Predicts the Representational Structure of Facial Emotion Perception. Nature Human Behaviour, 2, 581-591.
- Lin, C., Keles, U., & Adolphs, R. (2021). Four dimensions characterize attributions from faces using a representative set of English trait words. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-15.
- Khosla, M., Ngo, G. H., Jamison, K., Kuceyeski, A., & Sabuncu, M. R., (2021). Cortical response to naturalistic stimuli is largely predictable with deep neural networks. Science Advances, 7(22), eabe7547.
- Templeton, E. M., Chang, L. J., Reynolds, E. A., Cone LeBeaumont, M. D., & Wheatley, T. (2022). Fast response times signal social connection in conversation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(4), e2116915119.
- Dobs, K., Martinez, J., Kell, A. J., & Kanwisher, N. (2022). Brain-like functional specialization emerges spontaneously in deep neural networks. Science advances, 8(11), eabl8913.
- Dobs, K., Isik, L., Pantazis, D., & Kanwisher, N. (2019). How face perception unfolds over time. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-10.
- Haselton, M. G., & Funder, D. C. (2013). The evolution of accuracy and bias in social judgment. in Schaller, M., Simpson, J. A., & Kenrick, D. T. (Ed.) Evolution and social psychology, 15-37. Psychology Press.
- Eisenberg, I. W., Bissett, P. G., Zeynep Enkavi, A., Li, J., MacKinnon, D. P., Marsch, L. A., & Poldrack, R. A. (2019). Uncovering the structure of self-regulation through data-driven ontology discovery. Nature communications, 10(1), 1-13.
- Heusser, A.C., Fitzpatrick, P.C. & Manning, J.R. (2021). Geometric models reveal behavioural and neural signatures of transforming experiences into memories. Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 905–919 . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-021-01051-6
- Vlasceanu, M., & Amodio, D. M. (2022). Propagation of Societal Gender Inequality by Internet Search Algorithms. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(29), e2204529119.
- Thornton, M. A., Rmus, M., & Tamir, D., (2020). Transition dynamics shape mental state concepts. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
- Yarkoni, T. (2022). The generalizability crisis. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45.
- Jolly, E., & Chang, L. J. (2019). The flatland fallacy: Moving beyond low–dimensional thinking. Topics in cognitive science, 11(2), 433-454.
- Houlihan, S. D., Ong, D., Cusimano, M., & Saxe, R. (2022). Reasoning about the antecedents of emotions: Bayesian causal inference over an intuitive theory of mind. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 44, No. 44).
II. Tutorials
The following tutorials may be helpful to get you started with state-of-the-art computational approaches to social psychology research.
- Open-source materials from the Summer Institutes in Computational Social Science [Tutorials]
- Learning Python, data science, and machine learning with Google Colab [Tutorials]
- Learning machine learning and deep learning with TensorFlow [Tutorials] and Hugging Face [Tutorials]
- Chen Center for Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at Caltech [Videos] [Slides]
- Learning statistics, computational modeling, and more with Neuromatch Academy [Tutorials]
III. Funding
- Graduate student affordable food options and travel grants
- Funding opportunities for postdoctoral scholars
- Award opportunities for postdoctoral scholars
IV. Conferences
- The Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP) Annual Conventions
- The Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS) Annual Conventions
- The Society of Experimental Social Psychology (SESP) Annual Conventions and its preconference organized by the Person Memory Interest Group
- The Cognitive Science Society (CogSci) Annual Conventions
- The Summer Institute in Computational Social Science (SICSS)